Our Stories

Library Development Team Rocks! At Nazarene Theological College Of South Africa

Honeydew, South Africa, May 7 – 29, 2024. Dr. Sharon Bull, Secretary of EDUF, led five librarians to Nazarene Theological College to assist with cataloguing of library resources, adding electronic books to the collection, reviewing policies and procedures, assisting with the library website, all in preparation for the transition of library leadership from Anna Sibeko who is retiring at the end of the year. 

Graduation In Nashville Of First Cohort Of MS In Instruction Design And Technology

Back row: James Patterson, Rev. Bob Aldrich, Jeff Hitchcock, Jr., Dr. Lena Welch, Dr. Ken Walker

Front: Rev. Musa Kunene, Sinenkhosi Kunene, Prudence Kunene, Dr. Shirley Aldrich, Rev. Mathapelo (Thapi) Tebele, Rev. Lisa Morrison, Dr. Dr. LeMetrius Daniels

Praise God for the fruit of this 3-way partnership between Trevecca Nazarene University, African Region of the Church of the Nazarene and Education Development United Fellowship. On May 3, 2024, three EDUF trustees Dr. Ken Walker, Lisa Morrison and Jeff Hitchcock, Jr. along with major EDUF supporters, Dr. Shirley Aldrich and Rev. Bob Aldrich, were present in Nashville to celebrate the graduation of four African leaders who completed the online master’s degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Trevecca Nazarene University. Many donors gave towards the fees of these students. EDUF thanks you for your fantastic faithfulness! Congratulations to the creators and instructors of this new program and to the hard-working students themselves. Four Africans graduated with this degree. Two were present for these photos. including 

Prudence Kunene who wrote: I was glad to meet Jeff [Hitchcock, Jr.] during the graduation ceremony, and others from the whole EDUF board of trustees We had a long discussion about instructional design and to my surprise he was involved in setting up Africa Nazarene University (ANU) online technological equipment in Kenya where I work now as an instructional designer.

My husband was pleased to see Dr. Walker whom he’s known since he was 6 years old in Swaziland, also during his time in Swaziland Nazarene Bible College where Ken Walker taught him. It was such a blessing to us all to be invited by Dr. Shirley and Rev. Bob to their home for breakfast in the morning of the graduation day (my children, especially, were amazed by the generosity). 

Prudence also says: Thank you ever so much, EDUF, for making my dream come true!

Oscar DamaI have over thirteen years of experience in higher education as a librarian, chaplain, and lecturer at NTCCA. Through the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology program, I have gained the skills and knowledge to create engaging, interactive, and effective learning experiences for my students.  I am grateful for those who supported me financially during my studies at Trevecca Nazarene University

Peris Akoli: I am a volunteer at Africa Nazarene University, Online department, as an instructional designer. I am the district Children Ministry secretary. I would like to personally appreciate each and every one of you for the support you accorded to me and my peers. Not only has it equipped me for better ministry, but it has also led me closer to God, which is our sole purpose here on earth

Mathapelo (Thapi) TebeleVice Principal for Academics at Nazarene Theological College of South Africa says, I express gratitude to everyone who contributed to our achievement of this degree in Instructional Design and Technology.


Emmanuel Nacionales and Ken Walker

Over the span of a couple weeks beginning in early March this year, dad and I (Tom and Todd Nothstine) had the privilege of working once again with the energizer bunny of retired missionaries (or more like “re-tired”) Ken Walker, on another fund-raising project for EDUF. 

As was the project last time we made the 5-hour trek from Mishawaka to Corydon, Indiana two years ago, this one entailed siding another house project that Ken is overseeing for his sister, Juanita. Juanita has been a generous donor to EDUF over the years, and as a few of us occasionally volunteer a little of our time and labor toward her house-building passion, she passes on those funds that would have gone to a contractor to do the job, to EDUF instead.  What a great idea! 

What we volunteers have not always thought such a great idea, however, is the habit Juanita has of picking steep hillsides on which to build multi-story homes, ha-ha!  To be fair, it’s mostly a matter of what there is to work with—the southern Indiana topography of Corydon is nothing like the tabletop flatness of Mishawaka, for example.  The odds are good you’ll be building on a hillside, and that tends to mean you will also be going up at least two levels with the floor plan.  And these factors contribute to making something like a siding job a little more work than it might be for, say, a one-level ranch. But it was all good.  We came, we saw, we conquered!

Tom Nothstine, Ken Walker, Todd Nothstine

This latest project was a towering 3-story home, being sided in a lovely shade of green (I’ll call it Hillside Green!). Due to its height, we had to put a lot of scaffolding to use—5 tiers of it, to be exact. It was a veritable tower of tubular framework and cross-bracing, and no exaggeration to say that erecting and tearing it down was a job in itself.  Also, as it meant working as high as 30 feet off the ground, on a mere 24” wide platform, there were earnest prayers and thanks given to God for safe keeping on a potentially perilous job.  It would end up taking us about six days (spread across three round trips to Corydon) to get the siding job largely completed.

But it wasn’t just me and dad and uncle Ken doing all the work—lifelong friend and fellow missionary kid, Emmanuel Nacionales, came over from nearby Louisville to work with us for a couple of days. In addition, Bob Ferryman and his son Jeff, from Indianapolis, also joined the effort one day and were a great help, being no strangers to construction work themselves.  Bob and Jeff, as well as Emmanuel, were also in on the previous EDUF siding job a couple years ago, by the way.  Rain showers interrupted and halted the fun a couple times briefly, but the late-winter weather was otherwise very cooperative. 

Re-tired Ken Walker claims this is the last house build he will be managing for Juanita, but some of us are skeptical. Only time will tell, perhaps! And if another one does come along, there are some of us who will be happy to rendezvous in Corydon, Indiana again.  With a little luck, it might even be at a one-level ranch not on a hillside.  

Recent Trip To Africa

October 2022, Southern Africa

EDUF Board Chairman, Dr. Randy Craker, with his wife, Robinette Craker, and Rev. Hugh Friberg, visited educators and institutions in South Africa, eSwatini and Mozambique. Rev. Friberg and his wife, Evelyn, were missionaries in Africa. The major event they attended was the 100th Anniversary of the Church of the Nazarene in Mozambique. Dr. & Mrs. David Restrick, also retired Nazarene missionaries, and their daughter, Beth, were others who joined in this powerful celebration.   

For the last 100 years, the Church of the Nazarene in Mozambique has been alive, on the move and experiencing many victories. The church is set to centrally and communally celebrate its Centennial Celebration on the 28th and 29th of October 2022, in the historically significant area of Thavane (Machulane). Preemptively, several local churches have arranged and done their celebrations in preparation for this great gathering in Thavane.  

It is important to acknowledge those saints who went before who were a part of the holiness, gospel movement in Mozambique. There were many mountains to climb, valleys to go through and some had to traverse through fire, yet they were not consumed.

Mrs Celeste Macie Chaguala said, “…I had the privilege to participate in the local Centenary Celebration at the Nazarene Church Maputo Central. It was a great learning moment… We learned a lot about church history, and today I felt more encouraged to continue serving God even though I know that the walk is not and will not be easy. Still, our God is faithful just as he has been with our pastors, missionaries and members.”

Mrs Naila Mulate Kanenungo had the following to say: “I am a proud Nazarene. The Church of the Nazarene in Mozambique is 100 years old. Join us as we celebrate a great milestone, a great legacy…my family has a rich history that I always share and cherish. I share with my children very often, and they appreciate God’s love and grace.”

Nampa ID Friends

In Nampa, ID, several EDUF leaders and friends gather to pray over our secretary, Dr. Sharon Bull, as she moves back to her native Canada. She is a treasure to several organizations that she helps to lead. Godspeed, Sharon!

Dave Boblitt

David Boblitt is a board member of EDUF. He is also a professional surveyor in Southern Indiana. On more than one occasion, when he has been contacted personally to bid a project, he has made the arrangement that he will do the work if the payment would be made to EDUF instead of to him. Dave is EDUF’s 2021 top fund-raiser. 

Indiana Chapter

The Indiana Chapter has always been active and 2022 is no exception. 

On May 7, 2022, the Indiana Chapter of EDUF held a gathering of members and friends at Fortville Church of the Nazarene. The speaker, Dr. Margaret Scott, EDUF President, shared exciting news from African leaders. The event was organized by the co-chairs of the chapter, Dr. Ken Walker and Dave Boblitt, and was hosted by the Ferryman Family. Attendees drove from several towns throughout the state. A good time was had by all.

In July at the 2022 District Assembly of the Southwest Indiana District, Dr. Ken Walker, Dave Boblitt and young friends, had an EDUF table display. These leaders will also hold a session at the district EQUIP event on October 22, 2022. 

Dr. Margaret Scott gave updates about Africa in Swayzee, Indiana, Church of the Nazarene in August and in Family Fellowship Church of the Nazarene in October. Both churches gave generously towards the 2022 August-for-Africa projects. 



Rev. Pat Crane

Well, PALCON 2022 at Northwest Nazarene University has ended and what a great experience. I attended PALCON in 2010 but wasn’t able to attend the one six years ago. The speakers and workshops at this one were wonderful and encouraging and the entire event was just what I needed.  The past two years have been challenging for me as a pastor with ministry and pastoral changes and I returned home rejuvenated and recharged. I’m looking forward to listening to the plenary sessions again and am grateful NNU provided that opportunity.  

As a relative new-comer to EDUF (almost two years), and the only member of the board who hasn’t been to Africa, hosting the EDUF table was very beneficial for me as I was able to share with many people the mission and purpose of EDUF and to help them understand the pastor shortage in Africa.  In one way it was ‘on the job training’ but also was drawing on all that I’ve learned the past two years 


Rev. Lisa Morrison

Mathapelo Tebele, Academic Dean of Nazarene Theological College in South Africa, and I (Vice President of Research and Development for EDUF) represented EDUF at PALCON at Trevecca Nazarene University in June 2022. Rev. Ken Walker (Founder of EDUF) and his wife Linda picked us up at the airport and we enjoyed a time of fellowship over dinner. 

When we set up our exhibition table, we met Daryll Stanton, who serves as one of the EDUF Board Members. He had a table next to ours and we had time to get to know one another. 

We primarily engaged with people to help them know what EDUF is and to try to meet our goal of getting 100 churches to give $100 for our 2022 August for Africa project.  

We had a number of good conversations with pastors and leaders. Quite a few mentioned that raising $100 per church should be easy enough. Some mentioned they would like to have their children join in and contribute. Another mentioned that their adult Sunday school class likes to take on projects and this would be a great project for them. 

We met Peggy Cooning who is our contact person for our TNU scholarship. It was great to put a face to the name. 

We were able to get the word out about what EDUF is and what we do and found that people were responsive.